Monday, January 19, 2009


well i finished and blocked my scarf on saturday...i think i'll wear it for a little while to see how i feel about starts off as a bland bubble gum pink and lavender to and explosion of blues, a little yellow, and green....

as for on the home front...dani has been getting into all kinds of trouble at school...ughhhhhhhh...he seriously needs to learn to control what leaves his mouth...before it gets him into some serious trouble...i can only hope that this will be the final referal notice...i had a conference with his teachers on friday and they both told me that he's doing great in class...big sigh of to get him on track when it comes to keeping out of trouble come recess time...damn why don't these children come with a manual...who's unbelievable that teenage years are going to be this much fun...

on the needles...still trying to finish up grandmas socks...oh...and those hederas too...

and on vinyl...riders on the doors...

1 comment:

Lisa B (Moon) said...

Its so pretty!!!!!!! You did a bang up job on it!
As for sassy ass mouthed teen boys...I feel your pain. I got a 16 year old pain in the butt of my
xoxo Me