Thursday, September 10, 2009


i've been absent for the last few weeks...i wish i could say what has had me preoccupied but i honestly don't know...i guess just life in general...i've been really moody lately...or shall i say bitchy and high strung...i haven't been knitting much at all...shitty for me cause it somehow seems to balance me out...

my parents are out west visiting my brother mark and i'm pea green with envy...i have to get over to the island to visit him sometime...i miss him lots...more then i'd ever let on and tell him that's for sure...i love talking to him...and tend to notice that we are a lot alike in many ways...i'm almost finished with loki the chameleon...i just have to stuff and stitch up all the legs and under body...then i'll have to pack him up and ship him away...

the boys seem to be keeping me busy...dami seems to think that it's funny to unlock the door and run like a bat outta hell down the neighbors say it's hilarious to watch...i'm just not finding it all that for dani...he's seems to be enjoying the school year so far...and is very much into graffiti art at the present moment...he tends to spend hours on the computer searching for different styles of color and lettering...this week we are working on 3D lettering...who knows what it will be next week...

i seriously need to pick up my needles and swatch for dad's v.neck sweater...for x.mas really isn't that far away...maybe i'll set some time aside to do that this weekend...

on the needles...loki the chamelon...
on vinyl...flutter by bonobo

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