Saturday, February 21, 2009


here is a picture of my socks...

i'm truckin' away with dads socks...i'm on the heel and hopefully i'll get one finished by the end of this weekend...and possibly the second one started and finished by midweek...i'm also going to cast on him another pair of socks so that i can keep rollin'...

i took dami to the dr for his 2 yr check up and he's not even on the chart when it comes to weight...i've been forcing him to eat more and writting down everything...he's like his mommy...doesn't like meat much...nuts, eggs, and good ol' penut butter have been doing the trick...

dani continues to get into trouble at school...that damn his mouth of his...he's not even sly about it...and to think i've just started with his teenage years...

on the needles...socks...socks...and more damn socks...

on vinyl...a day in the the beatles


Lisa B (Moon) said...

I love the colors of yarn you've been using....It almost looks edible.
xox me

Yarnivore said...

Good choice on the music.
Sometimes it's a good thing kids are a little lippy, it helps them out when they have to stand up for themselves I find.
And the socks are totally hot.

lolita vontorch said...


Leslie said...

Hey nice socks! You and that damn embossed leaves pattern! LOL....wonder who you got that from. Good job. They look comfy